Reiki Level 2


Reiki Level 2 Training



The word Reiki comes from “Rei” meaning God’s wisdom or higher power, and “Ki” meaning life force energy. Combined, Reiki means “spiritually guided life force energy.” It was developed in 1922 by Mikao Usui, a Japanese Buddhist.

Reiki is a safe method of spiritual or energy healing. Virtually all illnesses and conditions can be cured or improved using Reiki and it’s a wonderful complement to western medical treatments because it has no side effects and promotes a happy, positive mindset which is essential to healing.

Can anyone practice Reiki? Yes! The ability to use Reiki is not “taught” but rather is transmitted from teacher to student in a class. The student undergoes an “attunement” that allows the student to feel and transmit life force energy. It is not a religious practice so anyone who desires can learn Reiki without any religious beliefs.

It is relaxing and reduces stress, which in itself promotes healing. A treatment feels like a wonderful glowing radiance that flows through and around you. Reiki treats the whole person including body, emotions, mind and spirit creating many beneficial effects that include relaxation and feelings of peace, security and well being.

The class covers the following:
Symbols and how and where to use them
Using Reiki to heal Unwanted Habits
Using Reiki to heal the Past
Sending Reiki to the Future
Using Reiki to connect to Higher Self
Using Reiki to heal Relationships
Sending Reiki to non-human receipients
Instant Reiki to release depression, nervousness or rundown conditions
Reiki Box ? A technique for giving Reiki to yourself, others and situations