The B&C Miracle Method © A powerful Manifestation Method Mon, 29 Oct 2018 09:14:48 +0000 en-US hourly 1 The B&C Miracle Method © 32 32 57575875 My Journey – On the Path to Fulfillment in Life – Week 2 – By Lisa James Mon, 29 Oct 2018 09:14:48 +0000 Kids, sometimes in life you’ll make a pit for someone in your mind but ultimately the only person in that pit is yourself…which means there’s only one person who can let you out of the pit.. You – Ted Mosby, HIMYM Physical Body & Longevity – If I cannot love my body, how can I truly love myself? This was our intention for the week. We each chose a part of our body that we wanted to heal. I chose my heart. With every physical healing, comes the healing of emotions that caused or aggravates the condition in the first...

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Fulfilment of life Series – Week 2 – experience by Charu Mathur Sun, 28 Oct 2018 14:01:07 +0000 As we progressed in week two, I had a major breakthrough in my healing works. I got a chance to work on Osteoarthritis. If you google about this disease it’s a degenerative condition of body joints and medically has no cure. Using B&C Miracle Method I did 2 sessions consecutively for 2 days. The Universe presented me with a marvelous miracle. All symptoms of Osteoarthritis disappeared. Later doctor and medical tests proved that there was no elements of osteoarthritis. How does it get any better than that!!!

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Journey 2 – Physical / Longevity I take care of my body to have all the energy required to achieve my mission / passion in this life Fri, 26 Oct 2018 05:59:37 +0000 Such a profound intention. I however, realized that we have bits and pieces of our body that we do not take care of – judgments surface and we tend to criticize these areas of our body. We opened a portal for the Angels and Light-workers to support us in our journey as we realized that we need all the backup we can get – physical or non-physical. We did a mediation on loving that body part that we have judgement on, dislike and criticize. If all our energy goes into this body part how can we have longevity if we...

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My Journey – On the Path to Fulfillment in Life – Week 1 – By Lisa James Wed, 24 Oct 2018 04:52:23 +0000 “….. And Your Name is Faith” – Archangel Michael While fulfillment has a standard definition in any given dictionary, everyone defines fulfillment in life differently. We have different goals, dreams and ambitions and we come from different backgrounds, carry forward different ideologies and along the way we perceive and understand environments, people and situations differently; and therefore adapt accordingly. I can, with all the confidence of a 30 year old, say that I know what I want with a certain amount of clarity. I have professional, spiritual and personal ambitions, hopes and dreams. Yet, I know that my life is...

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Fulfillment of Life Series – Session 1 experience by Charu Mathur Sun, 21 Oct 2018 14:56:00 +0000 The name that Brenda has given to this series itself takes you to the dimension of fulfillment. I have always enjoyed the meditations conducted by Brenda as every experience is mind-blowing, awesome for me !!! I was fortunate to join the Fulfillment of Life Series which started with “I become witness to my thoughts, actions and I listen to my intuition” The experience as expected was very enriching. The very same day I got an idea of creating a manifestation diary for all possible desires that a person can have and to clear blocks for the entire book to manifest...

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Journey 1 – I become a witness to my thoughts, actions and I listen to my intuition. Fri, 19 Oct 2018 04:55:44 +0000 To be very honest, on the day of this session I was actually clueless what to do, and a part of me also did not want to do it.  I wonder WHY? My resistance to Fulfillment of Life was blocking me and keeping me in this struggle. I was joined by Lisa James and Charu Mathur with a commitment to ourselves of a 12-week Fulfillment of Life Series. I channeled an intuitive meditation at the time, and we each met and worked with our own Light workers. A Light worker is any guide, spirit or angel that guides you in...

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Fulfillment of Life Journey Fri, 19 Oct 2018 04:49:59 +0000 If I think of fulfillment, it would be having a good meal, eating a bar of chocolate or one of the 101 million things which is supposedly missing from my life… but how much do I listen to my body? How much do I listen to my intuition?  Part of me is screaming “GO FOR IT” and part of me is screaming “NO, DON’T DO IT”. But indeed, I do go for it, and still it leaves me feeling unfulfilled. If I think of Fulfillment of Life – in our day to day life we are constantly looking for external...

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